Public consultation

European CORUS-XUAM research publishes recommendations for improving societal acceptance of UAM

Europe’s CORUS-XUAM consortium has published research results addressing the main concerns of society with regard to drone operations. The paper is the result of a series of public surveys, and proposes a list of mitigation […]

Public consultation

NASA selects Crown Consulting to develop advanced air mobility community integration platform

The US National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) has awarded Crown Consulting a small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract to develop a platform for informing community decision-making about designing advanced air mobility (AAM) systems. The […]

Public consultation

Drone/UAM ecosystem governance “must be developed around services welcomed by communities” – Third CIVATAGlobal webinar 

Defining the future governance criteria for urban air mobility eco-systems will depend on  the individual service delivery model in each area, the will of the people and the development of technologies and operator businesses which […]

Public consultation

German population “not in favour of delivery drones and air taxis” – new state-funded study

Over the past two years, the Sky Limits joint research project run by Technische Universität Berlin and Wissenschaft im Dialog has addressed the opportunities, challenges and risks associated with the possible use of delivery drones […]